Wednesday, August 26, 2009

to whom it may concern - this is not a terrorist website.

whoever is running around the South Lawn project spreading libel and slander bs that this is some a terrorist website - one thing to say - cut the crap. Word is out and that is a serious accusation that no one around here takes lightly. To whoever is behind this... an additional Admiral's Response to you. anyone with information regarding this rumor is encouraged to step forward.

oh yeah, and google "faulconer construction" this site is now at number 8 and 9 3... get some kids, you've been pwned.


  1. violations and then subsequent rumors?!! How does the Safety Manager of this company feel about all of this?!!! I'm sure he is catching some heat for all of these violations...You don't think?? Nahhh... :D

  2. the thing about faulconer is that it's hard to point a finger at anyone in particular given two hands and ten fingers... the fact is that the upper management is messed up and it trickles down from there.... Bob Z can only be on one job at a time, and competent ditch folks anywhere know that this is a disaster waiting to happen (well except in Randy's case where the worst has already happened...)

  3. The person that setup this web page had no problems with the operations at the job sites when he was collecting a pay check every week from Faulconer Construction. Then he lost his job.....

  4. It is always infortunate when a person looses their life at work, and in Randy's case, why all the anger aimed at the company? There was most likely a supervisor at that work area. It's their job and responsability to keep the workers safe. What was the operator of the equipment doing? It's also his responsabilty to watch out for hazzards. Sounds like a disgruntled ex-employee to me.

  5. actually the person who set this site up (me) told everyone that he was building the site, and the morons at Faulconer had no problem posing for pictures and being told that all of this was going online. Faulconer is a bunch of dumpkopfs for 1)risking their employees lives and 2)letting one of their employees take and post pictures for over a year prior to getting fired 3)not being able to's really not that tough guys... English - use it, love it.

    Have a nice day kids.


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