Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Massive EPA + OSHA violations at Faulconer Construction and UVa in Charlottesville

I'm still looking for the code on the EPA There's a great website where it explains in common legal terms what anyone should know anyway.... spilling thousands of gallons of raw sewage into the ground is NOT COOL. It is also NOT COOL to work in a ditch line that is filled with caca water... although the level went down before we got in there look at homeboy's pants legs to see where it got up to.... up to your ankles in caca ain't no jive kids.... and yes, it's just flowing right on down into the ground...

Great thanks to Ms. Degen at the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality for turning me on to the Legislative Information System website - what a resource!

To get to the meat of the matter go to "Code of Virginia - statutory law" -> "Table of Contents" -> "Title 62.1 WATERS OF THE STATE, PORTS AND HARBORS." -> "Chapter 3.1 State Water Control Law" -> "62.1-44.5 Prohibition of waste discharges or other quality alterations of state waters except as authorized"

Perhaps I am mistaken, however I do not recall anyone asking about dumping a couple thousand gallons of raw chemical sewage into that ditch, then again, perhaps I'm just a dumb construction worker and they did get permission...

That's enough for today, tomorrow we'll get in to Virginia Administrative Codes including my new favorite "9VAC25-790-360. Water quality and public health and welfare protection"

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