Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Tunneling under UVa's famed steam tunnels

The UVa Steam Tunnels have a long and glorious past dating to the 1950's. Since then many students have spent hours and days wandering the underground maze. Working beneath them poses certain obstacles- hand digging is required and shoring must be installed as work progresses. OSHA guidelines for excavation are available, and must be tailored to apply logically to the situation.

1)The top view of a 50 foot long ditch. Visible as raised areas from the yellow ladder looking down the ditch are a steam tunnel, an electric line, another steam tunnel, a water main barely visible, and then another steam tunnel. That is a 24' ladder and it rests on the bank above a sewer line we need replace and move a few inches down and to the left. Digging under the steam tunnels must be done by hand. That's what makes it what it is.

The outside of the tunnel

A view from half way under a steam tunnel, about two hours in to digging ~11AM. By ~3PM we were through to the other side.

The next day with the laser set and Mike digging to make the grade ready for more pipe.

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